Welcome, Extra Creditors

Good afternoon, my name is Dr. Holiday, and before you ask, yes, I do need one, and no, I’m not bitter about the fact that I’m teaching at Shimmer Academy, why do you ask? Anyways, as an Extra Creditor, your responsibility is to go into the building, Stabilize the Wild Magic, and use the Stabilized Wild Magic to Seal the Elemental. Seems pretty straightforward to me. Any questions? I’m seeing a few hands up, so I’ll assume you’re volunteering and you have no questions. Best of luck!


The Board


First, shuffle the Room Card deck. Draw the top card, then place down the corresponding room. Continue doing so until you have a 6x8 grid. If you draw a room that cannot fit, discard it. If the room can fit, but not in the current tile configuration, rearrange the configuration to add it.


Each room must connect to at least one other room and all rooms must be connected. You must also add at least one door that connects the outside and a room.

Alternative: You may choose to split the region into no smaller than 2 halves. Each half does not have to connect to each other, but each half must have a door to the outside.

All doors start open.

You must use at least X doors, where X is the number of tiles plus two.

compass Star

Place the compass star next to the board such that N and E are parallel to the left side and bottom of the board, respectively.

Coordinate Dice

Place the 8 8-sided dice along the 8-tile long side of the board. Rotate the die closest to the Compass Star to show the number one, then the next closest to show two, etc., until the farthest die shows the number eight. Place the 6 6-sided dice along the 6-tile long side of the board, and repeat, with the closest die showing the number one and the farthest die showing the number six. Place the 4 4-sided dice on the side of the board opposite of the 6-sided dice; the die opposite the 2 on the 6-sided die should be set to 1, then up to the 4, which should be opposite the 5. Repeat for the 6 sided dice opposite the 8 sided dice, with the 1 on the 6-sided die opposite the 8-sided die with the 2 showing, up to the 6 on the 6-sided die opposite the 7 showing on the 8-sided die.

Mana neutralization rituals

Place one Mana Neutralization Ritual token next to the D8 numbered five. Place one next to the D6 numbered 3. Place one diagonally across from both dice. These should be placed such that, if the numbering system continued beyond what existed, the tokens would be located at coordinates (where the D8 is first and the D6 is second) 0,3 ; 9,4 ; 4, 7 ; and 5,0 .

Extra Creditors

elemental report deck

First, shuffle the Elemental Report deck. Once you are finished shuffling, read the top card. The card will have flavor text, followed by the narrowed down possibilities of which Elemental is present. For example, “Smoke reported”, followed by, “Smoke or Fire elemental”. This will tell you which elementals could possibly be present. Next, select your Extra Creditors following the guidelines below. Finally, after all players have selected an Extra Creditor, flip the top card. This will reveal which Elemental is actually present when the Extra Creditors arrive.

Select Your Extra Creditors

Every player can either choose a random ID or choose a specific ID to play as that Extra Creditor. Take the ID and place it in front of you for reference and take the associated figure. Each player starts with 4 mana and 1 item, unless otherwise specified. Each Extra Creditor is teleported to a Mana Neutralization Ritual of their choosing around the house and starts there.


Before you begin playing, choose your difficulty level. For higher difficulty levels, spawn the next elemental after the first has been sealed, following the setup rules above. In addition, higher difficulty counts will add an additional type of Magic Concentration Token to the Magic Concentration Token pool: Elemental Slimes.

  • Introductory: 1 elemental.

  • Normal: 2 elementals and 1 Elemental Slime.

  • Heroic: 3 elementals and 1 Elemental Slime per 2 players, rounded up.

  • Legendary: 4 elementals and 1 Elemental Slime per player.

  • Mythical: 5 elementals and 3 Elemental Slimes per 2 players, rounded up.


Elemental Deck

Find all cards with higher player count and remove them (for example, if you’re playing with 2 players, remove all cards with “3” or “4” on them), returning them to the box. Shuffle the remaining cards together.

Elemental placement

Roll the Elemental Dice, the colored d4 and d6. Place the elemental there. Draw a card from the elemental deck twice, then once per player.

Magic Concentration Tokens

Roll the Coordinate Dice, the d6 and d8, 4 times: place a Magic Concentration token in the resulting 4 locations. Reroll any that are placed on a tile with an Elemental Token or Magic Concentration Token.

Notes from former Extra Creditors: Sorry about the Magic Concentration Detector. It’s on the fritz, and they haven’t repaired or replaced it in years. It’ll lock on to the first 4 concentrations of Magic it finds, and then you’ll need to pick one up before it can lock onto the next one. Yes, it’s completely random, and no, we don’t know why.

Plane Break Counter

Set the Plane Break Counter to 1, as the Elemental has broken through from the Elemental Plane to the Plane that contains Shimmer Academy.


Item deck: Shuffle the item deck. Every player draws a card from the item deck and adds it to their hand.

Extra Extra Credit

Sometimes, the teacher in charge of the Extra Creditors has an additional assignment. This isn’t always completely sanctioned, but hey, if you complete it, that’s a pretty decent bonus!

As a team, draw three Extra Extra Credit cards and discard one. If you are victorious and complete the Extra Extra Credit, you get bonus score! Extra Extra Credit is optional; you don’t lose points for failing to achieve them, but they could influence how you decide to play.

Elemental Deck keywords


When Spreading, roll the Directional d4 and add an element token in that direction from the elemental, (at launch, the D4 will have “N”, “E”, “S”, and “W” on it; however, for now, 1 is North, 2 is E, 3 is S, and 4 is W). If you would add an element token to a tile that already has an element token, it instead Cascades. A tile cannot Cascade or be Cascaded onto more than once per draw. Elemental tokens cannot be added to outside of the board.

If an element token would be placed on a Magic Concentration token, flip the Magic Concentration token over. If it is an item, the item is consumed and discarded from the board. If it is a Wild Magic token, it Ruptures and is discarded. In either case, place a new Magic Concentration Token following the setup rules at the end of the Elemental’s turn.


An Elemental Token is considered “connected” to the Elemental if there is an unbroken path of Elemental Tokens from the Elemental token to the Elemental.


Add an elemental token to the nearest tile without an elemental token. This cannot go through walls and cannot trigger Cascading.


If an Extra Creditor is Stunned, then they cannot take any actions on their next turn. However, the elemental will still act after their turn.

Seep/Cascade: AWAY FROM A TILE

Some Elementals have language such as, “Seep away from a tile.” This is also, inherently, away from the Elemental. As such, the Elemental Token must be placed in a certain area.

Compass rose: 4 points: N, E, S, W.

Expanded compass rose: 8 points: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.

If an elemental spreads towards N, then “away” is any tile that is between the NE and NW lines if the expanded compass rose was placed directly beneath the elemental. The Elemental Token can thus be placed anywhere on or between those lines, but cannot be placed in a direction that is more E or more W, in this example.


Following the Elemental’s rules for Spread and Cascade, Spread in all 4 directions from the Elemental.

line of sight

Some Elementals reference “line of sight.” An Extra Creditor is within the Elemental’s “line of sight” as long as a path can be drawn from the center of the Elemental’s tile to the center of the Extra Creditor’s tile without going through any walls or passing through corners where a wall is on both sides of the path. If one wall ends at the corner of the tile along the path, line of sight is not blocked. If two walls meet at a corner along the path, but both walls are on the same side relative to the path, line of sight is not blocked. If 3 or more walls meet at that corner, then line of sight is blocked. If two walls meet, and one wall is on each side of the path, line of sight is blocked.

In the image below, Green, Orange, and Yellow are all within line of sight, as it does not pass through a wall or an intersection of walls. Grey is not within line of sight because one wall is on each side of the corner of the path, and Blue is not within line of sight because the path passes through a wall.



Cascade: Flame jet

When a tile Cascades, jets of flame erupt, and you add an element token in every direction away from the elemental. In the example below, if the fire elemental would jet to the right, you would add an element token to the tiles with the red circles, and the Green and Orange Extra Creditors would be Stunned, while the Yellow and Grey would not be. If it were to jet down, you would add a token to the tiles with an X, and add a damage counter to the wall, along with knocking down the Orange Extra Creditor. Although there is another element token below the token immediately below the elemental, that tile does not also Flame Jet, and instead only the wall is damaged.

Any Extra Creditor in a jetting tile is Stunned.

Target: ignite

Place an Elemental Token on the nearest Extra Creditor’s tile that both has an Elemental Token on their tile and is connected to the Fire Elemental. If so, that tile Cascades away from the Fire Elemental. If not, place an Elemental Token on the nearest Extra Creditor’s tile which is adjacent to a connected tile. Otherwise, Spread.

If multiple Extra Creditors meet criteria, players choose which tile to affect.


Special rule: Frostbite

Extra Creditors lose 1 action on their turn for each Elemental Token on their tile or adjacent tiles.

Special rule: Emergency Thaw

If an Extra Creditor loses 4 or more of their actions due to Frostbite, remove that many Elemental Tokens from their tile/adjacent tiles.

Cascade: Flash Freeze

When a tile Cascades, the moisture nearby is quickly and suddenly turned to ice. Seep two times in the direction of the Cascading tile. These Seeps can damage a wall instead of placing an elemental token if the wall is closer (the wall is considered to be a part of the “further” tile). In the example below, if the Elemental Cascades down, an Elemental Token would be placed to the right, and either the left wall or down wall would be damaged, players’ choice. Flash Freeze will always place an Elemental Token before damaging a wall.

Target: Seek Heat

Add an Elemental Token to the tile nearest to or on the nearest Extra Creditor while still Connected to the Ice Elemental. In the image above, if the Ice Elemental Targets, an Elemental Token would be added to the circle tile. If the grey Extra Creditor went next, they would only have 3 actions due to Frostbite.


Special rule: Water Seeks to Escape

If the Water Elemental is unable to Seep to an empty tile and there is a closed door, damage the door. If there is no closed door, damage the wall nearest the Water Elemental.

Special rule: water damage

If an Elemental Token is present on both sides of a wall, that wall is damaged at the end of the Water Elemental’s turn.

Spread: Erosion

If the Water Elemental Spreads into a wall, damage that wall and then Seep, following the rules for Rushing Flood.

Special rule: washed away

If an Extra Creditor is entirely surrounded by walls and at least one Elemental Token, as well as having an Elemental Token on their tile, they are Stunned.

Cascade: rushing flood

When a tile Cascades, water erupts and seeks to cover the ground. Seep twice in the direction of the Cascading tile. This Seep moves in a straight line as often as possible. Every time the path would change direction, damage the wall that caused it to do so. This may cause the path to no longer change direction, in which case, it continues. In the example below, if the Water Elemental Cascades down, it would first damage the wall, then Seep to the right. The second seep would destroy the wall, then seep down.

Target: Submerge

If an Extra Creditor is within 5 spaces and adjacent to a tile with an Elemental Token Connected to the Water Elemental, place an Elemental Token on the Extra Creditor’s tile, then move the Extra Creditor 1 space closer to the Water Elemental along the Connected path. If multiple paths exist, choose to move the Extra Creditor to the tile with more surrounding Elemental Tokens/walls.

If no Extra Creditor is within 5 spaces and adjacent to a tile with an Elemental Token Connected to the Water Elemental, Spread.

In the example above, after Cascading, the Water Elemental has 6 Elemental Tokens. If the Water Elemental Targets, an Elemental Token is placed on the Extra Creditor’s tile, who is then moved 1 tile up. The Extra Creditor is then surrounded by Elemental Tokens and is Stunned.


Special rule: compressed air

Multiple Elemental Tokens can be added to a single tile and each one counts for the Seal Value.

Special rule: can’t breathe

If an Extra Creditor starts their turn with 3 or more Elemental Tokens on their tile, that Extra Creditor is Stunned.

Special rule: billowing seep

When the Smoke Elemental Seeps, add an Elemental Token to the nearest tile without an Elemental Token as per the default Seep, then add an Elemental Token to the tile with the fewest Elemental Tokens along the shortest path to the Seeped tile, including the Elemental’s tile, not including the tile with the Elemental Token just placed. If there are no empty tiles, add an Elemental Token to the tile with the fewest Elemental Tokens, closest to the Smoke Elemental, including the Smoke Elemental’s tile.

In the example below, if three Seep cards were drawn, the Elemental would first Seep to the tile with the white circle, then place an Elemental Token under the Smoke Elemental. Next, the Elemental would seep to one of the blue circle tiles, player’s choice, and an Elemental Token would be added to the tile beneath the Elemental. Finally, the last Elemental Token would be placed on the blue circle tile not chosen previously, and an Elemental Token would be added to the Smoke Elemental’s tile. At the end of the Smoke Elemental’s turn, all three adjacent walls would be damaged as per Smoke Damage below.

Special rule: smoke damage

At the end of the Smoke Elemental’s turn, damage all walls adjacent to tiles with 3 or more Elemental Tokens (the Smoke Elemental counts as an Elemental Token).

Special loss condition: congeal

Start the game with 6 additional Elemental Tokens (40 in total). If an Elemental Token must be placed but there are no Elemental Tokens remaining in the bag, the Extra Creditors lose as the Smoke Elemental becomes fully tangible and destroys the building.

Cascade: gaseous expansion

Add one Elemental Token to the Cascading tile, add one Elemental Token to the Smoke Elemental’s tile, and add one Elemental Token to the nearest tile without an Elemental Token. If there are no empty tiles, add an Elemental Token to the tile with fewest Elemental Tokens.

Target: Converge

If the nearest Extra Creditor is adjacent to or on a tile with a connected Elemental Token, add one Elemental Token to their tile, then move one Elemental Token from each tile adjacent to that Extra Creditor to their tile. Otherwise, Spread.


Special rule: tied to the earth

When Warping, the Earth Elemental cannot teleport more than 5 tiles. Roll the dice as normal, but if the distance the Earth Elemental would travel is more than 5 tiles, only move the Earth Elemental a maximum of 5 tiles along the path that the Earth Elemental would take.

In the image below, if the Earth Elemental tried to Warp to the green triangle, it would be unable to, as the green triangle is 8 tiles away. Instead, it must be moved to the tile to the right of the green Extra Creditor, as that is the furthest tile along the path.

Special rule: foundational spread

When the Earth Elemental Spreads, it can Spread through walls. If it does, it damages the wall it spreads through. However, walls still block areas from being connected for the purpose of the Seal Value.

Cascade: Landslide

When a tile Cascades, a landslide occurs from the Earth buildup. Seep twice away from the Earth Elemental in the direction of the Cascading tile. Any Extra Creditor along the path gets move to the final tile. If the Seep can take multiple equally short paths, the Extra Creditor is moved if on one of those paths.

In the example below, if the Earth Elemental would Cascade down, the gray Extra Creditor would be first moved to one tile down, then to either the orange Extra Creditor’s tile or the tile to the left of the Green Extra Creditor, players’ choice, adding Elemental Tokens to the tiles.

Target: boulder toss

Toss a boulder at the nearest Extra Creditor within line of sight and within 5 tiles: put an Elemental Token on their tile and move them to a tile 5 tiles away from the Earth Elemental along the path from the Earth Elemental to the Extra Creditor. If the Extra Creditor cannot move that far, then the Extra Creditor is Stunned.

In the example below, if the gray Extra Creditor was not present, the Earth Elemental would target the green Extra Creditor. The green Extra Creditor would be Stunned, as a wall is blocking it from moving any further along the path from the Earth Elemental through the Extra Creditor.


Target: Inhibit

Seep towards the nearest Extra Creditor. They take one additional action to Quench or move one tile towards the Elemental until the end of their next turn. They are Stunned if they are connected to 4 or more Elemental Tokens (Wind Elemental included).

Cascade: furious trade winds

When a tile cascades, the sound of rushing wind can be heard before the sharp “snap” of an Elemental breaking the sound barrier. Seep twice from the Cascading tile to the tile farthest from an Extra Creditor, then swap the Elemental Token with the Wind Elemental, damaging all walls along the path of the swap. If two paths are of equal length, maximize damage.

Finals Week Elementals

The following Elementals are subject to minor changes

Dream Elemental
Setup: Instead of rolling the dice to place the Dream Elemental, instead shuffle the Elemental Location deck. The top card will tell you which quadrant the Dream Elemental is in.

The Dream Elemental is not normally visible; even when in our Plane, a part of it remains in the Elemental Plane of Dreams. In order to draw it out, the Extra Creditors must harvest the Elemental Tokens in order to create Stabilizing Totems, which will force it to be both visible and, more importantly, Sealable. Make sure to take the opportunity when it’s presented; wouldn’t want to start daydreaming about where it could be…

Special Rule: Intangibility: The Dream Elemental is not placed on the board until it is Materialized. Instead, a face-down card with the elemental’s quadrant will be on top of the Dream Elemental Location deck. Due to this intangible nature, Seep, Spread, Explode, and Cascade are all dubious propositions. When you draw these cards, roll the Elemental Dice. This is where the Elemental Cards originate from for this turn. If this dice roll is in the wrong quadrant, use the opposite side of the D6 and/or the opposite side of the D4 (where the opposite of 1 is 4, 2 is 3, and vice-versa). If the Dream Elemental Warps, reveal the back of the top card, place 4 Dream Essence Tokens on that tile, discard that card, and the new top card is the originating quadrant for future cards until the Dream Elemental warps again. If the Dream Elemental has been Materialized, Elemental Tokens originate from the Dream Elemental as per normal rules.
Special Rule: Dream Essence: Quenching Dream Elemental Tokens leaves Dream Essence Tokens in their spot. Dream Essence Tokens are automatically picked up by any Extra Creditor that walks over them, and cannot be dropped or traded.
Special Rule: Slumber: If an Extra Creditor ever has 10 dream tokens in hand, they are Stunned. Damage all adjacent walls and discard Dream Essence Tokens from their hand until only 2 remain.
Special Rule: Materialization Totem: An Extra Creditor may craft a Materialization Totem by discarding 6 Dream Essence Tokens and spending 1 action.
Special Action: Materialize: An Extra Creditor may place a Materialization Totem in the “middle” of a quadrant (the 4 middle locations are (6x8) Quadrant 1: 2,3; Quadrant 2: 5,3; Quadrant 3: 2,6; and Quadrant 4: 5,6). From then on, any time a card shows that quadrant on its backside, the card is immediately flipped and left on top of the deck, only to be discarded when the Dream Elemental Warps, and the Dream Elemental placed on that tile. The Dream Elemental can then be Sealed as normal. Only 4 tokens can be placed.
Special Action: Caffeinate: 1 action: Discard up to 4 Dream Essence Tokens.
Cascade: Add 1 Elemental Token and 1 Dream Essence to each adjacent tile (including through walls) and the cascading tile.
Target: Pleasant Dreaming: All Extra Creditors in the Dream Elemental’s quadrant gain 4 Dream Essence.

Special Rule: Elemental Materialization: If, at the end of the Elemental’s turn, all Extra Creditors are Stunned, the Dream Elemental fully materializes into Shimmer Academy's plane and the Extra Creditors lose.

The following Elementals are subject to significant change.

Lightning Elemental

Lightning Elementals strike hard, fast, and tend to target metal. Each board piece has between 0 and 3 “lightning rod” tiles; these are where metal is prevalent in the picture and where a small lightning bolt can be clearly seen. Lightning Elementals will flit between these locations, Knocking Down all Extra Creditors in their path.

Darkness Elemental

Darkness Elementals are not to be taken lightly. Their bodies can be hidden within their Elemental Tokens, making actually sealing them quite difficult.

Spread: Gust

If the Wind Elemental would Spread into a wall, it instead Seeps. If it cannot Seep to an empty tile but is next to at least one wall, it instead damages all adjacent walls. If it is not next to any walls, the Wind Elemental instead damages all walls within 1 tile. If there are no walls within 1 tile of the Wind Elemental, the Wind Elemental damages all walls within 2 tiles. If there are no walls within 2 tiles of the Wind Elemental, the Wind Elemental damages all walls within 3 tiles.

Spread: Thicken Smoke

If the Smoke Elemental would Spread into a wall, it instead Seeps. If it cannot Seep to an empty tile, add an Elemental Token to the closest tile connected to it with the fewest Elemental Tokens, including the Smoke Elemental.

Special Rule: Bound, Yet Unbound

The Wind Elemental can move to the edge-most tiles, but cannot Seep, Spread, or Cascade to outside tiles.

Special rule: Damaging seepage

If the Earth Elemental would Seep to an outside spot, damage the closest wall. If the Earth Elemental would Seep in a room without any empty tiles, the Earth Elemental instead damages the nearest wall and Seeps from the tile on the other side of the wall.

Turn Sequence

Extra Creditor’s turn

Each Extra Creditor can take the number of actions specified on their ID. You can take fewer, but unspent actions are wasted. After an Extra Creditor has spent all their actions or decided to end their turn, replace Magic Concentration Tokens until 4 are present, then it is the Elemental’s turn.

Elemental’s turn

The elemental draws cards equal to the number of Plane Breaks that have occurred, which is reflected by the Plane Break Counter. Resolve the cards drawn in the order they are drawn and then discard them.

If the deck is ever empty, increase the Plane Break Counter by 1, shuffle the Elemental Deck Discard, and continue drawing.

After the elemental’s turn, if there are fewer than 4 Magic Concentration Tokens, replace them, then the next player clockwise goes.

Extra Creditors

Basic Actions:

Move: Move 1 tile. You may close any door you pass through without spending an additional action.

Quench: Remove an element from your tile or an adjacent one.

Break: Add a damage to an adjacent wall.

Opening a door: 1 action.

Closing a door without moving through it: 1 action.

Non-basic Actions:

Stabilize Wild Magic: Requires a Wild Magic token on the ground on your tile, costs 1 mana and 1 action. Remove the Wild Magic token from your tile and add it to your inventory. It is now “Stabilized Wild Magic”. You cannot pick up Wild Magic.

Seal: Requires a Stabilized Wild Magic token. You must be adjacent to an elemental. Roll your character's Seal die. If you beat the Seal Value, the Elemental is sealed. Costs 4 actions, but you can substitute 1 mana for 2 actions or 2 mana for 4 actions (in other words, you can spend either 4 actions, 2 actions and 1 mana, or 2 mana).

Take an item or Stabilized Magic from a player on your tile: Free (requires their permission)

Discard a Stabilized Magic: Gain 2 mana.

Wall Reinforcement: 1 action, 1 mana: Remove 1 damage cube from a wall.

Generate Mana: Spend 2 Actions to generate 1 Mana.

Pick up or drop an item or a Stabilized Wild Magic: Free.

Use an item: Free.

Pass another player on your tile any number of items and/or stabilized mana: Free


Ritual Teleportation: 2 actions. Teleport from one Mana Neutralization Ritual token to another Mana Neutralization Ritual token.

Mana Neutralization Ritual: 4 actions. From a ritual location on the outside, roll the d4. Quench all mana on a tile that distance away and adjacent tiles.


How to calculate the Seal Value: For every Elemental Token in the same area as the Elemental, increase the Seal Value by 1. Remember: the Elemental always counts as an Element Token, so the minimum value is 2. An "area" is any number of connected tiles through open doors or broken walls. In example 1, the door is open, so the area is 3 and the roll must be 4 or higher. In example 2, the area is 2, as the door is closed. In 3, the wall is broken, so the area is 4.

You can only seal one Elemental per stabilized mana. Return the Stabilized Wild Magic Token to the box after successfully sealing the Elemental.

After you seal the elemental, place the Elemental figure in front of the player who Sealed it. Add a number of “Target” cards to the Elemental Deck equal to the Plane Break count and shuffle. Summon the next elemental after that Extra Creditor goes again; place it on the board following setup rules, then draw one card per player plus one card per the Plane Break count.

Additionally, after sealing an elemental, each Extra Creditor regains 1 mana, converting the dissipating Wild Magic into their own.

Magic Concentration Tokens

Magic Concentration Tokens are either Items, which are useful, Wild Magic, which must be Stabilized in order to Seal the Elemental, or Elemental Slimes. When you walk over a Magic Concentration Token, you reveal it. If it is an item, draw a card from the item deck and discard the token. If it is a Wild Magic token, it remains in the tile until it has been Stabilized, at which point the token is added to the player’s hand. If it is an Elemental Slime, it must be Sealed. The Seal Value for an Elemental Slime is always 2, so the Extra Creditor attempting to Seal it must roll a 3 or higher; however, Sealing an Elemental Slime does not require Stabilized Wild Magic. Additionally, if the Elemental Slime is in the Elemental’s “area”, then the Elemental’s Seal target value is increased by 2. Successfully Sealing the Elemental Slime rewards the only the Extra Creditor who Sealed it with 1 mana.

Magic Concentration Tokens are added to the board at the end of the Elemental’s or Extra Creditor’s turn.

Different Magic Concentration Tokens are treated differently when used.

  • Stabilized Wild Magic used to Seal an elemental is returned to the box.

  • Wild Magic Consumed by Elementals are returned to the box.

  • Sealed Elemental Slimes are returned to the box.

  • Stabilized Wild Magic discarded for Mana is discarded.

  • When an Item Magic Concentration Token is picked up, it is discarded.

Tokens returned to the box will not be used again until the next game.

If a Magic Concentration Token needs to be placed but the Magic Concentration Token bag is empty, return all discarded Magic Concentration Tokens to the bag, shuffle, then place a new token.

Game Over


The Extra Creditors are victorious if all Elementals have been sealed. They can go home, and, hopefully, finish all their assignments before they’re due!


While being successful is its own reward, the Extra Creditors have set up a High Score board to compare missions. Yes, not every mission is equal, and yes, the faculty would shut it down the second they heard, but in the meantime… Bragging rights!

Difficulty level:

  • Introduction: 1 point

  • Normal: 3 points

  • Heroic: 6 points

  • Legendary: 10 points

  • Mythical: 15 points

Extra Extra Credit: Add all points for successful objectives and ignore failed objectives.

The Extra Creditors are defeated if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The Elementals have consumed enough Wild Magic such that the Extra Creditors cannot seal the remaining Elementals. There are a total of 7 Wild Magic tokens, and Sealing an Elemental requires 1 Wild Magic token, Thus, if the Elementals consume (7-X+1) tokens, where X is the number of Elementals that will spawn according to the difficulty, the players lose. The elementals have thus grown too powerful to be sealed by mere students, and the adults have to deal with the Elementals.

  • The Elementals have destroyed the building by exhausting the damage cube supply. The building comes crashing down, the Extra Creditors flee, and the adults come to deal with the problem. No Extra Credit today!

  • Elementals may have Elemental-specific loss conditions. Be sure to keep an eye out for those!
