After sealing an elemental, the next elemental:
Does not spawn until the end of the turn of the player who sealed it
Draws cards equal to the number of players instead of per setup, plus one per Plane Break count
Scryer changed to Fate Weaver, allowing for re-rolls once per round and to draw 2, keep 1 every time they draw a card (including the Elemental’s turn)
Additional Actions have been added to the Extra Creditor’s toolkits, including:
Taking an item or Stabilized Magic from a player (free)
Discarding a Stabilized Magic (free, gain 2 mana)
Wall Reinforcement (1 action, 1 mana to remove a damage cube from a wall)
Items now scale based off the Plane Break Count, which is the number displayed on the Plane Break Counter. An example follows.
New Item: Quench Grenade. Quench all tiles in an X by X square up to X tiles away from your Extra Creditor, where X is equal to the Break Through Count.
After an Elemental Breaks Through the Planes, a number of Slow Burn Elemental cards equal to the number of players is added to the deck. Slow Burn adds an elemental token to an empty tile adjacent to a connected elemental token. This will reduce the number of Spread into Spread causing Flame Jet, which should increase the possibility of success at higher difficulty levels.
Added a set of D4s and D6s on the opposite sides of the board from the D6s and D8s, respectively; this will allow for easier elemental placement.
Started making art for tiles to make different rooms more obvious.
Added more examples for Flame Jet
Shout out to Sam and Josh!
After sealing an elemental add a number of “Target” cards equal to the Break Through count
Null Specialist ability heavily changed
Null Tokens now can be placed through walls and adjacent to an existing null token instead of only adjacent to the Null Specialist
Mana Ability: Travel Through The Null: teleport to a Null token.
Every Extra Creditor starts with an item
Shout out to Justin and Jannie!
Rules regarding Seep when no empty tiles added: cascade without triggering other cascades. This will usually result in wall damage.
Maya buffed: Earthen Bulwark costs 1 action, can chain Earthen Walls, can
WIP: Earthen Nodes that she can move to
Smoke Elemental:
Seep: Add a token to the nearest tile without an elemental token, then adds a token to a tile adjacent to the elemental along the path to the seeped tile
Walls now damaged if there are 3 or more tokens on a tile at the end of the elemental’s turn
Cascade: Add token to tile, then add token to all 3 tiles adjacent to that tile. Seep any token that’s blocked by a wall.
Spread: If spread into wall, instead add elemental token under elemental
Shout out to Marina and Fuji!
Water Elemental:
Spread now causes damage and Seeps if it hits a wall.
Extra Creditors are Washed Away if entirely surrounded by walls and at least 1 Elemental Token, as well as an Elemental Token on their tile: moved to nearest tile without an Elemental Token and Knocked Down.
Liam nerfed: Now Quenching Impaired
Shout out to Anders!
Katarina nerfed: Now Non-Null Token Movement Impaired.
Adjustments made to Wind Elemental:
Increased clarity regarding Spread, Cascade, and Seep: now cannot be trapped (will start damaging walls in an increasing radius).
Added clarity regarding Furious Trade Winds and damaging walls.
Shout out to Anders, Will, and Mark!
4p: Deleted 2 Seep cards
Added complexity tags for Extra Creditors (Low, Medium, High)
Beginner mode added:
Starting tile and door setup (no Tile Card draws)
Elemental predetermined (Fire)
Extra Creditors predetermined (Elementalist, Manablessed for 2p; add Puppeteer for 3p; add Unbound Spirit for 4p)
No Extra Extra Credit
No Elemental Slime
No Mana Neutralization Ritual or Teleportation Ritual actions
Shout out to Scott, Kathleen, and Justin!
Liam nerfed again: No free movement
Earth Elemental buffed: Damage a wall whenever a Seep goes outside
Shout out to Mark and Anders!