


  • After sealing an elemental, the next elemental:

    • Does not spawn until the end of the turn of the player who sealed it

    • Draws cards equal to the number of players instead of per setup, plus one per Plane Break count

  • Scryer changed to Fate Weaver, allowing for re-rolls once per round and to draw 2, keep 1 every time they draw a card (including the Elemental’s turn)

  • Additional Actions have been added to the Extra Creditor’s toolkits, including:

    • Taking an item or Stabilized Magic from a player (free)

    • Discarding a Stabilized Magic (free, gain 2 mana)

    • Wall Reinforcement (1 action, 1 mana to remove a damage cube from a wall)

  • Items now scale based off the Plane Break Count, which is the number displayed on the Plane Break Counter. An example follows.

  • New Item: Quench Grenade. Quench all tiles in an X by X square up to X tiles away from your Extra Creditor, where X is equal to the Break Through Count.

  • After an Elemental Breaks Through the Planes, a number of Slow Burn Elemental cards equal to the number of players is added to the deck. Slow Burn adds an elemental token to an empty tile adjacent to a connected elemental token. This will reduce the number of Spread into Spread causing Flame Jet, which should increase the possibility of success at higher difficulty levels.


  • Added a set of D4s and D6s on the opposite sides of the board from the D6s and D8s, respectively; this will allow for easier elemental placement.

  • Started making art for tiles to make different rooms more obvious.

  • Added more examples for Flame Jet

Shout out to Sam and Josh!



  • After sealing an elemental add a number of “Target” cards equal to the Break Through count

  • Null Specialist ability heavily changed

    • Null Tokens now can be placed through walls and adjacent to an existing null token instead of only adjacent to the Null Specialist

    • Mana Ability: Travel Through The Null: teleport to a Null token.

  • Every Extra Creditor starts with an item

Shout out to Justin and Jannie!



  • Rules regarding Seep when no empty tiles added: cascade without triggering other cascades. This will usually result in wall damage.

  • Maya buffed: Earthen Bulwark costs 1 action, can chain Earthen Walls, can

    • WIP: Earthen Nodes that she can move to

  • Smoke Elemental:

    • Seep: Add a token to the nearest tile without an elemental token, then adds a token to a tile adjacent to the elemental along the path to the seeped tile

    • Walls now damaged if there are 3 or more tokens on a tile at the end of the elemental’s turn

    • Cascade: Add token to tile, then add token to all 3 tiles adjacent to that tile. Seep any token that’s blocked by a wall.

    • Spread: If spread into wall, instead add elemental token under elemental

Shout out to Marina and Fuji!



  • Water Elemental:

    • Spread now causes damage and Seeps if it hits a wall.

    • Extra Creditors are Washed Away if entirely surrounded by walls and at least 1 Elemental Token, as well as an Elemental Token on their tile: moved to nearest tile without an Elemental Token and Knocked Down.

  • Liam nerfed: Now Quenching Impaired

Shout out to Anders!



  • Katarina nerfed: Now Non-Null Token Movement Impaired.

  • Adjustments made to Wind Elemental:

    • Increased clarity regarding Spread, Cascade, and Seep: now cannot be trapped (will start damaging walls in an increasing radius).

    • Added clarity regarding Furious Trade Winds and damaging walls.

Shout out to Anders, Will, and Mark!



  • 4p: Deleted 2 Seep cards

  • Added complexity tags for Extra Creditors (Low, Medium, High)

  • Beginner mode added:

    • Starting tile and door setup (no Tile Card draws)

    • Elemental predetermined (Fire)

    • Extra Creditors predetermined (Elementalist, Manablessed for 2p; add Puppeteer for 3p; add Unbound Spirit for 4p)

    • No Extra Extra Credit

    • No Elemental Slime

    • No Mana Neutralization Ritual or Teleportation Ritual actions

Shout out to Scott, Kathleen, and Justin!



  • Liam nerfed again: No free movement

  • Earth Elemental buffed: Damage a wall whenever a Seep goes outside

Shout out to Mark and Anders!